インディアナ大学 日本同窓会(正式名称:Indiana University Alumni Association Japan Chapter インディアナ大学同窓会日本支部 )は、
米国インディアナ大学(インディアナ州の州立大学)の同窓会(Indiana University Alumni Association)の日本支部として
IU Nihon Dousoukai (official name: Indiana University Alumni Association Japan Chapter) is the official Japanese chapter of the Indiana University Alumni Association, a state-run university in Indiana, USA.
Since the first Japanese graduate of Indiana University in 1890, many of our alumni have been active in Japan.
Since its establishment of the Chapter in 1964, the IU Nihon Dousoukai has been working to promote mutual exchange among Indiana University related people (alumni, faculties, researchers, etc., regardless of nationality) in Japan and to assist in providing information about Indiana University in Japan.
We welcome everyone who has an interest in Indiana University or our society and those who are eligible for membership.
If you have any questions regarding Indiana University, please contact us and we will do our best to answer you.