
いただきました個人情報は本同窓会の会員名簿に記録し、会からの会員の皆様へのご連絡や会員名簿の送付、会員相互の交流等の会の活動目的(会則:Constitutionに規定) に資する活動に活用させて頂きますが、会の活動目的以外に個人情報を使うことはございません。その個人情報は会として厳重に管理いたします。

This is a form to register you as a new member of the IU Alumni Association Japan Chapter in our Roster. We will use the information to contact individual members and to send members the Roster and such purposes that are depicted in our Constitution, but of course we will not use your personal information for any purpose other than the activities of the IUAA Japan Chapter. The information you provide will be held under strict control by the IUAA Japan Chapter. Thank you for your cooperation in registering.

I understand the purpose and activities of the Indiana University Alumni Association Japan Chapter and its Privacy Policy. Therefore, I agree to provide my personal information and entrust its management and operation to the IUAA – Japan Chapter.
現在お住まいのご住所、あるいは会員登録をしてほしいご住所を記入ください。〒からお願いします。 そちらに郵送物が届きます。
確認のため、メールアドレスを2度入力ください。Please input your e-mail address twice, for confirmation.
Phone Number
Your status at IU. (Ex. Undergrad student, Visiting Researcher, Visiting Professor)
Your campus attended or your program. (Ex. Bloomington, Online MBA)
Your Department at IU. [Your major]. (Ex. History (East Asian Studies) , Music (Cello) )
Your position with / degree awarded by IU. (Ex. Visiting Scholar, B.A., MBA, M.S., etc)
The YEAR you joined IU.
The YEAR you finished IU.
Your affiliation and your title.
Additional information that you would like us to know. Or any information that you would like to further explain about you. Thank you very much. We look forward to seeing you in person !
どうもありがとうございました。 これからどうぞよろしくお願いします!

*  は入力必須項目とさせていただいています。