- E-mailアドレスを新規に登録されたい方。
- 既に登録されているE-mailアドレスを変更されたい方
- 登録したご住所、ご連絡先、ご所属を変更されたい方
※ 尚、いただきました個人情報は本同窓会の会員名簿に記録し、会からの会員の皆様へのご連絡や会員名簿の送付、会員相互の交流等の会の活動目的(会則に規定) に資する活動に活用させて頂きますが、会の活動目的以外に個人情報を使うことはございません。その個人情報は会として厳重に管理いたします。
Thank you for registering your change of e-mail address, mailing address, and contact information.
This is for members of the IU Alumni Association Japan Chapter to those;
- who wish to register a new e-mail address
- who wish to change their already registered e-mail address.
- who wish to change your registered address, contact information, or affiliation
Please use this form to contact us.
Please use the e-mail address that you will use in the future.
If you change your address, please clearly state the NEW address and the OLD address.
Please be sure to include your name and the necessary information before sending the form.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
※ The personal information you provide will be used to contact individual members and to send members the Roster and such purposes that are depicted in our Constitution, but of course, we will not use your personal information for any purpose other than the activities of the IUAA Japan Chapter.
The information will be held under strict control by the IUAA Japan Chapter. Thank you.